
Phone Number 860-464-9600 ext. 2167
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Mrs. O'Keefe,  Instructional Leader, do'[email protected]
Bachelor's Degree: Delaware Valley College for Agricultural Education
Master's Degree: Sacred Heart University for Arts in Teaching
6th Year: Sacred Heart University for Educational Leadership

Mrs. Jordan, [email protected]
Bachelor's Degree: UCONN College of Agriculture in Animal Science and Agriculture Resources with a minor in Equine Science
Master's Degree: UCONN Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates

Mr. Smith, [email protected]

Bachelor's Degree: UCONN- Natural Resources Management and Engineering, Wildlife Management

Mr. Williams, [email protected]
Bachelor's Degree: UCONN-Ag Engineering
Master's Degree: Purdue- Ag Engineering

Mrs. Manzi-Smith, [email protected]
Education: URI – Bachelor’s Degree Animal Science & Technology ; URI Master’s Degree Animal &
Veterinary Science
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860-464-9600 x 21618