• Description and Placement •
Special Education services are offered only to students who are
identified as eligible under I.D.E.A. guidelines. Placements and
individual support plans are determined through a Planning and
Placement Team (PPT) meeting, a process that invites active
participation from staff, parents, and students. To ensure that every
student is provided with the necessary supports in the least restrictive
environment (LRE) possible, the department offers a full continuum of
support and assigns each student a case-manager. The Special Education
Department also provides job-training, school-related counseling
services, and post-graduation transition planning.
• Courses Offered •
Resource In making a smooth transition from
middle school to high school, many skills need to be developed to adapt
to the different expectations placed on students at the high school
level. The goal of the Resource Room program at Ledyard High School is
to foster Special Education students who are independent learners,
understand their learning styles, can advocate for themselves regarding
their learning difficulties, and can meet classroom expectations
through self-determination and self-awareness. Typically, case-managers
are designated through morning meeting assignments. This guarantees
daily contact between case-managers and students on their caseloads.
Effort is made to also schedule caseload students to a specific
case-managers resource class targeting specific skill instruction.
Resource placement is made based on performance on CMT’s and documented
disability. Resource class is a full-year course offered on
alternating days with the opportunity to earn credit each semester.
Resource 9-10 (1092, 1093, 1094) Resource 9-10 is
primarily designed for freshman and sophomore students identified as
Special Education students who require the basics in study skills
development. The Resource 9-10 program is divided into three specific
sections geared towards specific skill deficiency areas in which to
improve. Resource 9-10 Literature (1092) focuses instruction in the
areas of reading and writing. Direct instruction in the areas of
responding to literature, persuasive style writing, and reading for
information is stressed. Emphasis is also placed on test-taking
exercises in preparation for CAPT testing, as well as self-advocacy
skill development. Resource 9-10 Math (1093) focuses instruction in the
areas of math and science. Direct instruction in the areas of problem
solving is stressed. Resource 9-10 Organization and Study Skills (1094)
is designed to assist students who have difficulty with organization,
study skills, and assignment completion. Students are placed into the
resource section based on specific learning weaknesses and areas of
concern regarding academic performance.
Resource 11-12 (1095) Resource 11-12 is designed
to ensure that students meet graduation requirements and meet the
demands of transitioning to life after high school. The intent of this
course is to continue to develop skills in becoming a capable,
independent, and responsible student. Focus is also placed on
maintaining portfolios for students who need to meet Performance
Graduation Requirements, which takes into consideration samples of
student work, as well as transition-related materials.
If a scheduling conflict occurs due to an irresolvable conflict in a student’s schedule, the student
will be scheduled into an appropriate Resource class with the approval
of the Director of School Counseling and Guidance and the Special
Education Department Chair.
Special Learning The goal of the Special Learning
Program is to work with each student in grades 9-12+ identified
through the PPT process as requiring a small group format and increased
support to be successful at Ledyard High School. Emphasis will be
placed on meeting Performance Graduation Requirements as well as the
functional skills necessary for living independently in the community. A
case-manager is assigned to each student for the duration of the
student’s placement at Ledyard High School. Each of the four core
academic areas of Math, English, History, and Science is offered in a
self-contained setting with the intention of transitioning to a general
education setting to offer instruction in the Least Restrictive
Environment. Each student works at his or her own level, and content is
adapted to each student’s learning ability.
Special Needs The goal of the Special Needs
Program is to work with students identified through the PPT process as
requiring an individualized program emphasizing functional and
vocational skills. Parents, staff members, and service providers will
collaborate to develop a program that provides direct instruction in
the functional and independence skills necessary in becoming as
independent as possible. Emphasis will be placed on developing
relationships with adult service providers and transitioning students to
programs that will continue to support students and their families
into adulthood.
MSLE Reading (1196) The goal of the MSLE Reading
course is to provide support to students having significant reading
difficulties through a multi sensory structured language approach.
Direct instruction is provided for letter/word identification,
alphabet and dictionary skills, reading fluency, phonemic awareness,
spelling, comprehension, and composition. Instruction is a combination
of whole-class and individualized. The goal of instruction is to
sufficiently develop students’ decoding proficiency in order for them to
manage the demands and expectations of academic courses and
standardized tests as well as to develop and improve their
understanding of the link between reading and spelling. Testing in
spring will determine continuing in the MSLE Reading course. Graded on
pass/fail basis. (2 semesters - .5 credit each semester - meets
alternate days).