
Counselors as The IncrediblesCollege Fair 2015 1College Fair 2015 2College Fair 2015 3College Fair 2015 4College Fair 8Incredibles with Syndrome

Online Course Selection Instructions 2025-26 • School Profile • Program of Studies

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Simple Steps of Naviance

What is it? Naviance is an online program consisting of several tools used for researching colleges and exploring careers. These applications will be used to promote college and workplace readiness. Naviance provides students with the framework to direct their own education, establish long and short-term goals, and plan for post-secondary success.

Ledyard High School has a School Counseling staff of five counselors, who are prepared to assist students in academic, career, and personal matters. The counselor assignments for 2024-2025 are:

Mr. David Doyle, Director[email protected] 464-9600 x2706
Grades 9-12: I, K, O
Grades 9-11: E, L 

Mrs. Christy Toppa[email protected] 464-9600 x2711
Grades 9-12: D, F, G, H, J
Grade 12: E

Mrs. Lauren Kane: [email protected] 464-9600 x2708
Grades 9-12:  A, B, C

Grade 12: M
Grades 11 and 12: P

Mrs. Britney Duczynski: [email protected] 464-9600 x2710
Grades 9-12: Q, S-Z
Grades 9 and 10: P

Mrs. Christine San Souci: [email protected] 464-9600 x2707
Grades 9-12: N, R
Grade  12: L
Grades 9-11: M

Mrs. Laura LoBianco, Guidance Secretary 
[email protected]
464-9600 x2709

Mrs. Claudia Adams, Guidance Support Personnel
[email protected]
464-9600 x2713

Mrs. Carol Schwenk, Career Development Coordinator: Grades 9-12
[email protected]
464-9600 x2147

Ms. Jamie Hill, The Learning Lab
[email protected]
464-9600 x2308

Parents and students are encouraged to contact the assigned counselor for assistance and information. Consistent communication between parents, students, and school is vital. The Guidance Office provides a crucial link between school and home. Students are urged to contact their counselor during study hall time, before or after school and by appointment.

Guidance services include personal counseling, career information, college research, and other post-high school planning. Students and parents are welcome to use the services of the school counselor for information regarding course selections, jobs and careers, college admissions, financial aid, College Board and other standardized testing programs, academic progress, study skills, effective communication, and other areas necessary for achieving developmental success for high school students.

The Guidance Office and our Career Center have a substantial collection of college and career resources. Students can research college, career, and financial aid information. Resources are available to assist students in preparation for the SAT and the ACT. Scholarships are also available in the Guidance Office and Career Center. Students are welcome to access this information at any time however parents should be accompanied by their student.


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