Hartford, Connecticut - May 4, 2005 -Earlier this year, under the
leadership of Senator Christopher Dodd, the U.S. Senate passed Senate
Resolution 28, which proclaimed 2005 as the National Year of Languages.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a similar resolution.
Governor M. Jodi Rell then proclaimed 2005 as "The Year of Languages"
for Connecticut. In celebration of these proclamations, Year of
Languages events are taking place nationwide and statewide to highlight
the importance of learning and using languages, other than English, in
today's world.
The latest celebration was the Year of Languages Event and Language
Ambush at the Hartford Capitol. On Wednesday, May 4th students from
Stonington, Glastonbury and Ledyard took part in a true celebration of
language learning and language advocacy at the State Capitol and
Legislative Office Building. The students hosted the event in a
beautiful hearing room in the LOB and heard speeches about the
importance of language learning for our economy, our nation's role as a
world power, our interest in travel, and for the importance of learning
about other cultures.
were given by several legislators: Barbara Lindsey, President of COLT
(CT Organization of Language Teachers), Senator Andrea Stillman, Senator
Mary Ann Handley, Senator Cathy Cook, Senator Jon Harris and
Representatives Tom Reynolds, Diana Urban, Sonny Goggins, and Stonington
Borough Warden, Andy Maynard, as well as Adam Jemel, Governor M. Jodi
Rell's Director of Community Outreach. Christy Brown, national co-chair
of 2005 Year of Languages and director of Glastonbury World Language
program, concluded the speeches with her representative, Sonny Googins,
by reading the governor's proclamation.
Some of the Mystic Middle School students braved the large crowd of over
100 people and also gave short speeches about why they have chosen to
study languages. The Mystic Middle Select Choir, led by Ellen Gilbert,
performed music in languages from around the world and received rave
reviews from all.
Following the concert, students from all three districts performed a
"Language Ambush" by approaching 136 people in the LOB and asking for
information in French, Spanish, German, and Russian. This activity is
being staged nationwide to highlight the need for Americans to become
multilingual. Those who were ambushed had a variety of reactions, some
of which were very entertaining to watch. The responses were graded
according to language skills: no response at all, a response in English
or incorrect in the language, or a response in the correct language.
The final tally revealed some interesting results! Of the lobbyists,
police officers, and legislators who were interviewed, the highest
category was that of "A," Correct response in language. Fortunately,
the largest group of the three was the correct response in the language,
51 of the 136 interviewed responded fluently in French, Spanish, German
or Russian. The second highest category was, incorrect in language or
English response, a "C". In this group, 47 of the 136 participants in
the ambush understood the question tried to respond, but did so
incorrectly. The final category, "no response," was in fact the
smallest group, 38 of the 136. Some of these people were able to speak
another language in addition to English, but we did not have ambushers
able to speak it. Given Connecticut's international interests and
business agenda, our unscientific, but tactical poll showed that the
majority of adults at the Capitol were committed to language learning.
What started out as a daunting task for many legislators actually showed
the skill, ability and commitment to languages that makes our state so
unique. When all of the results were tallied, the Hartford Capitol
scored very highly with a B- overall! With a sustained campaign from
ACTFL, American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, language
learning could become something elementary for all and boost our grade
to an A+ in the upcoming years.
Following the "ambush," students were invited to the House Chambers,
while it was in session, with Representative Tom Reynolds,
Representative Diana Urban and Representative Sonny Googins and were
given a standing ovation for their dedication to language learning. The
group of 90 students, chaperones, Jaya Vijasekar, Christy Brown,
Joceylyn Tamborello, Kristen Colossalle, Barbara Lindsey, Clint Kennedy,
Warden Maynard then concluded the trip with an authentic French meal at
Pastis Bistro.
Christy Brown, Director of World Language Program for Glastonbury Public
Schools, Joceyln Tamborello & COLT President Barbara Lindsey
enjoyed an authentic French lunch with Kristen Colossale's students from
Smith Middle School at Pastis Bistro.