AP Testing

My AP Resources – a site from the College Board for students and parents: https://myap.collegeboard.org/login

AP testing will be conducted throughout the month of May. Students are encouraged to visit their MY AP account and continue accessing classroom resources. Please refer to the chart below for exam information. As the test dates approach additional details will be communicated. 


AP exam registration.  The AP exam fee for the 2024-25 school year is $99.00/exam.  Your student must commit to taking their respective AP exam(s) by Friday November 8, 2024. This commitment includes a completed registration form and payment turned into the School Counseling Office by 2:30pm on Friday November 8, 2024.

Key information regarding the registration process:

All AP students will use their CollegeBoard username and password to log into myap.collegeboard.org (**Students who already have a College Board account should make sure they know their existing username and password and DO NOT create a new account).

After signing in, students will see their personalized MyAP homepage. Teachers will give students a class specific join code for each of their AP classes. Students will enter them to be enrolled in the course(s). This also facilitates order identification and allows students to access AP Classroom online coursework.

Once your student has enrolled in AP course(s) through CollegeBoard using the provided join code(s),they will automatically be designated as taking the AP exam for their specific course(s), in May.

If they choose to take the exam, students must submit payment to the School Counseling Office by November 8th. As in previous years, there will be course specific payment forms given to each AP teacher to distribute to their students. Students will need to submit this form along with payment.  A separate registration form and check are required for each exam. Checks should be made payable to ‘Ledyard High School’, with the name of the test written into the memo line. 

If they decide to not participate in the exam administration, your student will need to submit an AP Exam Opt Out form to the School Counseling Office November 8th. 

AP/CollegeBoards late registration and cancellation fees for the 2024-25 school year are as follows: 

(On time registration Exam ordered by 11/8/24- $99.00)

Late registration - Exam ordered after 11/8/24 - $99.00 plus $40.00 late fee

Unused/canceled -  Exam canceled or not taken by the student after order has been submitted - $99.00 plus  $40.00 cancellation fee

If your family meets certain income guidelines, you may be eligible for a fee reduction. See your AP teacher or Mrs. Toppa/Mrs. Duczynski for more details.

Listed below are the exam name and date for the AP exams offered at Ledyard High School for the 2024-25 school year. Testing times, locations, permitted materials, and other details will be announced in May.




R 5/5/25


T 5/6/25

English Literature and Composition 

W 5/7/25


R 5/8/25

US History 

F 5/9/25

Calculus AB

M 5/12/25

French Language and Culture

T 5/13/25

Environmental Science 

T 5/13/25

English Language and Composition 

W 5/14/25 

Spanish Language and Culture

R 5/15/25

Computer Science Principles 

R 5/15/25

Physics 1

F 5/16/25 


F 5/16/25

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Toppa at 464-9600 x2711 or Mrs. Duczynski at 464-9600x2710. You can also reach us by email at [email protected] or [email protected]